A fungus enters through the nose and the lungs brain and eyes all become affected. The positive point is to be one hundred percent sure that the couches are free from scratches.
1 The British Shorthair has good health.
Pros and cons of getting a cat. Getting a cat can help you overcome difficult times in your life. Owning a cat can help you to become more responsible. Cats can make you laugh.
Getting a cat can improve your overall quality of life. Cats can be important for older people. Getting a cat can be nice if you have children.
Also suitable for smaller homes. Would you say it is worth having a cat despite the number of cons. Cats can make warm and affectionate companions.
They are relatively independent keep themselves clean deter rodents and other pests and can help to reduce stress. If advantages such as these outweigh the cons for you then you should probably get a cat. You get the affection of a companion animal which can have a calming effect and help reduce stress.
Having a pet cat can even help reduce the potential for high blood pressure cardiovascular disease and related ailments. The fact seems to be that a purring cat makes a person feel good. The Pros and Cons of Male Cats Both from my own experience and the majority of cat owners find that male cats especially neutered male cats tend to be more affectionate than female cats.
Male cats are said to be more even-tempered and predictable than female cats and even more laid-back and relaxed than their female counterparts. This of course depends on your cats. Some cats prefer to have a litter box all to themselves while others dont mind sharing.
Getting your cat a buddy can be good for their emotional health. Despite what you might think about cats being solitary creatures they can be. Reduces the chance of unexpected veterinary bills - Seriously a C-section can cost a four-figure sum.
Reduces exposure to disease - Female cats in heat estrus or also called in season only have one thing on their mind and theyll make sure every Tomcat in the neighborhood knows. This may lead to cats becoming overweight more easily. Obesity in turn can cause several other problems such as urinary tract problems diabetes and osteoarthritis.
As a result after neutering the amount of food a cat eats should be reduced or changed to a specially adapted food for neutered or indoor cats. While drawbacks to having a pet may be challenging if you properly prepare getting a pet can be a smooth experience. The following pro and cons of having a pet will help you decide if you are ready to rise to the occasion.
If youre curious about what the pros and cons of owning a cat are then this video is for you. Im going to share 9 pros and 9 cons of cat ownership so you. Cats are also more independent than dogs and dont require as much attention such as the need to be taken out for daily walks.
Below are some pros and cons of keeping a cat. Easily house trained with a litter box. Cats are constantly bathing themselves.
Cat food is generally cheaper than dog food. Declawing cats is beneficial to stop them from tearing up the furniture and becoming more destructive. The purpose is more on saving the furniture and protecting the sides of the couch.
The positive point is to be one hundred percent sure that the couches are free from scratches. The Cons of owning a Persian cat are the shedding of hair the possibility of runny eyes as Persians seem prone to this and they may also have some grooming problems. Usually only older Persian cats have a tendency not to groom themselves.
Some owners have their Persian cat shaved by the vet occasionally if grooming becomes a problem. Can reduce boredom and anxiety. Because multiple cats in a household are able to entertain and socialize with one another they are less likely to get bored which can lead to destruction or get separation anxiety.
With another cat in the home your cats wont only rely on you for affection and company and can support each other. This one is big in Siamese and in ragdoll cats. A fungus enters through the nose and the lungs brain and eyes all become affected.
You will notice symptoms like lethargy weight loss and mucus when your cat sneezes. Seizures trouble breathing and lesions on the nose or even a swollen nose are the signs. Before you get a kitten you need to carefully weigh everything to study the pros and cons of the British Shorthair.
1 The British Shorthair has good health.