With food go to your vet and ask for some Hills ad. Some cats can get stubborn and wont sit still when force feeding them.
You can also go for medical care.
How to force feed a cat. If you and your veterinarian discuss the need to force feed your cat this video tutorial shows you how you can do it at home. To force-feed a cat you need the following supplies. Blended gruel or human baby food.
Large syringe 60cc for adult cats and 20cc for kittens and small cats. Step-by-step guide in force-feeding your feline. Using your cats weight as a guide you can compute how much food youll need to feed him.
Put the syringe at the corner of your pets mouth and start squirting a little bit. Gradually increase the amount. Do not hasten to force feed her.
Let her swallow it as much as she can properly. If you feed your adult cat some heavy food then remember to give her some water also. Clean her up and the mess.
Force feed your cat by creating a meal base from pureed baby food or cat food with no additives. Put the meat in a bowl and add a squeeze of high-calorie nutritional paste or some corn syrup. Mix it together well and add enough water to make the mixture runny.
If you dont have much luck with the meal ball idea you can try force-feeding using the syringe method. Blend the cat food into a puree and add water to make it slightly runny. Purchase a large syringe and a feeding tube from your local pharmacy and fill the syringe with the liquid.
Before you force feed your cat seek your veterinarians counsel. If she concurs this is the best course of action take a bit of canned cat food from a 3-ounce can and shape it into a ball the size of a small marble. Put it into the cats mouth as you would a pill toward the back of her tongue.
Hold her mouth closed to give her time to swallow. How To Force-Feed A Cat. You can force-feed your cat either by making meal balls or by syringe.
You can also go for medical care. Before force feeding tries using treats for cats. The reason behind not eating can be a minor and temporary problem.
So the first step should be letting it develop some taste. This is very dangerous on its own but can be reversed if caught early enough. With food go to your vet and ask for some Hills ad.
Its designed specifically for sick cats and for syringe feeding. Another advantage is that its very calorie and nutrient. Some cats can get stubborn and wont sit still when force feeding them.
To hold the cat down wrap a clean towel the bib around them like a burrito. Now have someone hold the cat down preferably around the paws and chest while force feeding it bits of food. A lot of cat owners try to force a specific type of food and that is what causes the cat to stress out and not eat.
Be flexible when it comes to this part of your dying cats diet. You want to make sure they are eating well which means it is not the time to force-feed food your cat doesnt want.