CS can be used both internally and externally to attack the germ from the inside out and the. Bacteria and viruses cannot develop resistance to colloidal silver.
Bacteria and viruses cannot develop resistance to colloidal silver.
Does coloidal silver kill cat worms. Apart from these conditions colloidal silver is also used to treat urinary infections dental problems stomach ailments and worms in cats. However these conditions call for. And coated colloidal silver comes to our aid because we remember how it kills toxoplasma giardia various worms and other parasites.
Which as you already understood equally affects both people and animals. Colloidal silver for cats is an extremely safe and natural antibiotic to treat all sizes and ages of felines including very young kittens. CS can be used both internally and externally to attack the germ from the inside out and the.
It is believed that colloidal silver can work to kill all the worms that thrive in a dog or cats body. Colloidal silver works in a simple manner. It kills the parasites inside the body by destroying the enzymes that metabolize oxygen in the parasites bodies.
Colloidal Silver for Cats. Colloidal silver is a natural and highly effective antimicrobial agent used to treat a variety of ailments from wounds burns and skin diseases to internal parasites viruses and bacterial infections. Where antibiotics kill about ten germs Colloidal silver can actually kill hundreds of germs.
Today we will talk about colloidal silver ringworm treatment in cats dogs and humans and how it can get rid of ringworm overnight. Colloidal Silver- what it is. Colloidal silver is a non soluble suspension of silver ions in water.
Therefore it was thought that while colloidal silver might be effective against the single-celled egg stage of parasites it would not be effective against the stages of the parasite that develop after hatching. However recent studies have called at least some of that into question. It will not hurt your cat.
CS is extremely helpful for killing bacteria that may be causing your cats mouth issues. I recommend you put the colloidal silver CS in your cats food water and maybe even in his mouth a couple of times a day until you get the issue under control. Here is a guide to the best dosage for cats and kitten displaying parasites.
Repeat daily dosage for 7 to 10 days and om some cases you can go longer if needed. Kittens or cats under 5 lbs 12 heaping tsp daily. Cats over 5 lbs 1 heaping tsp daily.
For a maintenance use above dosage 2 or 3 times weekly. Yeah its going well no itching and dead worms in the stools. I done silver-iodine for four-five days.
I put a 999 silver coin in a cup fill it up halfway with distilled water and add two-three drops of Iodine solution. Can Help to Prevent Fleas on Both Dogs and Cats Colloidal silver can be used for fleas by spraying it into your pets skin and fur once a day when you are seeing fleas and adding about an ounce or so of nano-particle colloidal silver into their water bowl daily during flea and tick season. I will add some apple cider vinegar to colloidal silver with a few drops of cedar.
Made from tiny silver particles suspended in liquid colloidal silver has a reputation for health-promoting qualities from healing wounds and other skin conditions to preventing parasites and internal disease. However no studies prove whether colloidal silver for cats is a good idea or if it could harm them. Colloidal silver for cats is most often used for treating UTI urinary tract infections feline herpes and rodent ulcers.
Colloidal silver for pets is also used in the treatment of many other illnesses including thyroid issues yeast infections tummy aches and can even help with eliminating parasites. But I want to add colloidal silver and activated charcoal to the regimen. The former will kill parasites themselves as well as bacteria and viruses released from their dead bodies while the latter will absorb toxins released by parasites die off.
I have two rescue kittens with ringworm. I put an ointment on their neck and ears but I use colloidal silver on their faces. I got 250ppm and I put it in a spray bottle.
I spray it on a cotton ball and then dab not rub the cottonball on their faces lightly. I always test it by dabbing a spot on my arm to make sure enough. Colloidal silver will not destroy the good bacteria in your cats intestines because it gets absorbed and works at the cellular level before even getting that far.
So next time youre at the natural health store or even perhaps your grocery store be sure to pick up a large bottle of colloidal silver and perhaps some colloidal silver gel too. Colloidal Silver to the Rescue. Thankfully colloidal silver is considered to be very effective against fungal infections including ringworm.
According to Phyllis A Balch CNC and James F Balch MD authors of the bestselling book Prescription For Nutritional Healing treating ringworm with colloidal silver is quite simple. Colloidal Silver and dog heartworm. Not all dogs die of heartworm without treatment.
The heartworm has a. Lifespan of two years. If you can keep your dog alive for that long the.
Typically if your cat is having symptoms of Feline Herpes I would recommend the usual 500mg to 1000mg of L-Lysine Powder in their food as well as syringing some 2-3ml of colloidal silver into their mouths 2 times a day for about 2 days and stopping the silver unless symptoms persist. The reason I stop the colloidal silver treatment is because. Colloidal silver also is known to kill parasites therefore it is not possible for parasites to flourish.
It essentially prevents the eggs from hatching. Some have found it to be effective as a digestive aid taken with meals as it prohibits fermentation of food in the stomach and intestines. Colloidal Silver kills over 650 bacteria viruses fungi parasites and moulds.
There are many ways Colloidal Silver can be used to heal infections and disease. The recommended dose is 1-5mg per pound daily. Also the colloidal silver - internal ingestion is different than topical application.
For internal use youd want to use 10ppm - 30ppm and it should NOT be used long term. For topical use 500ppm is the most effective - but thats topical - not in the mouth on gums. The best defense against swine flu or any flu is the age old remedy of colloidal silver.
The metal silver in its colloidal state can be safely consumed and used in the body. Bacteria and viruses cannot develop resistance to colloidal silver. Silver disables a vital enzyme and mechanism in all bacteria and pathogens so that they cannot survive.